Project description and scope

Envirofix was retained to remove two abandoned underground storage tanks (USTs)and remediate the associated contaminated soil and groundwater at a site of a former gasoline station in Brampton, ON, Canada. 

Project deliverables

In order to complete the project, EnviroFix provided the following services:

  • Removal of USTs, pressure washing and offsite shipping of materials for recycling at a licensed facility
  • Excavation of over 10,000m3 of impacted soil from the USTs’ bed and stockpiled in an area at the site; the impacted soil was made into bio-piles and petrophilic groups of bacteria were applied to the impacted soil

The bio-piles were equipped with a vapour collection system consisting of a network of piping connected to EnviroFix's mobile remediation unit. The vapour from the bio-piles was collected and treated prior to emission. The work was conducted under the EnviroFix ECA. The groundwater was pumped from a series of extraction wells and passed through an Envirofix mobile groundwater treatment system. 

This project was conducted on time and within the initial estimated budget.